
Known needs a few system components and PHP extensions in order to run properly. We'll check them now.

(If you have everything you need, there's a "continue" button at the bottom of the page.)

PHP version

You are running PHP version 7.3.33.

Secure site

You are running Known on a secure site.

Apache mod_rewrite

We couldn't detect if mod_rewrite was installed. Known cannot process page URLs without it. Proceed with caution.

curl for PHP

This extension is installed.

date for PHP

This extension is installed.

dom for PHP

This extension is installed.

gd for PHP

This extension is installed.

gettext for PHP

This extension is installed.

json for PHP

This extension is installed.

libxml for PHP

This extension is installed.

mbstring for PHP

This extension is installed.

openssl for PHP

This extension is installed.

pdo for PHP

This extension is installed.

pdo_mysql for PHP

This extension is installed.

reflection for PHP

This extension is installed.

session for PHP

This extension is installed.

simplexml for PHP

This extension is installed.

Hooray! Let's get you set up.

Want to get set up manually? Here's our documentation.